(News Source: http://www.narinjara.com/)
Please read the news in Burmese at this link: http://www.narinjara.com/detailsbur.asp?id=1038
The health of U Inthariya the leader of the Saffron Revolution in Araken state was in Danger. U Inthariya was currently held in the Boo-thee-Daung Prison, Araken State.
According to the one of the relatives, U Inthariya was not allowed to meet by his family and it is so difficult to tell how bad is his health condition but the news leaked out from the prison said U Inthariya health condition was really bad. he was severely tortured and mentally and physically.
U Inthiriya was arrested at Myoma Monestary, Maung Taw town while he tried to escape from Sittwe(capital of Arakan State) to Bangladesh.
U Inthiriya was disrobe at Maung Taw town and then send to Sittwe Prison and then on 10 October 2007 he was sentenced(without trial) to 7.5 years jail sentence and sent to Boo-Thee-Daung Prison and his family was not allowed to meet him.
During at Sittwe prison he was tortured very badly by military Intelligence agents and now he was mentally very badly effected. This information was told by the one student leader who was release from prison recently.
U Inthiriya is 28yrs old and studying at Saik-ta-Thu-Kha monestary and he was one of the leader during the saffron revolution.
Because of the severely torture, not only his health is in danger but his mantel is also badly affected.
(မွတ္ခ်က္။ ။ နိရဥၥရာမွ သတင္းမ်ားႏွင့္ ဓါတ္ပံုမ်ားအား မည္သူမဆို လြတ္လပ္စြာအသံုးျပဳနိုင္သည္။ နိရဥၥရာ သတင္းရင္းျမစ္ကို ေဖၚျပေပးရန္ ေမတၱာရပ္ခံပါသည္။)
(You can use the news and photo freely but please mention the original source Narinjara link of the news http://www.narinjara.com/detailsbur.asp?id=1038

Pan Bay Dah Twitter Profile
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saffron Monks Leader Health is in Danger.
To be a Good Buddhist "Our Cause " Sermon (Part 2)
The Abbot ask the devotee: Isn't you devotees require to refuge to 3 jewels; Buddha, Dharma and Sangha?
(The Devotees: Yes Abbot)
The Abbot: Isn't we require to become good Buddhist?
(The Devotees: Yes Abbot)
The Abbot continue:
If we want to become a good Buddhist, we must respect and must refuge to 3 jewels; Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
But now in Burma, Buddha statue were beheaded, cut here, cut there and do all the inapproriate things that means it is disrespectful to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Not pay attention to the Dharma, Not practise as according to the Dharma, even though Buddha said "Abstain for Killing one Life, Abstain from stealing from others property but if one ignore and doing the all killing and stealing, do you think it is practising the Dharma?
(The Devotee reply. No, it is not practising.)
The Abbot coninue:
If this is happen the Buddhist religion will disappear.
Now things were happening in Burma which would lead to the disappear of Buddhist religion.
Only Buddhist religion will last long for ever if you follow the Buddha teaching(Dharma), example Buddha said abstain from killing, then don't kill anyone. Only then it is only meaningful to say "Dhammam Saranam Gacchami "( I go for refuge to the Dharma ).
Also only when you treat and talk to the Sangha(monks) with respect then it is meaningful to say "Sangham Saranam Gacchami"( I go for refuge to the Sangha ).
Now in Burma, some people are criticising and insulting the monks by saying "Fake Sangha, Sangha Pretender with the robe, Politics Sandha".
Do you agree or not(Ask to the Devotees).
Don't critise or insult the monks, if you say so then there is no more "Sangham Saranam Gacchami"
Don't accuse the monks "Fake Sangha, Politic Sangha, Sangha Pretender with the robe", if accuse so then you will become the member of "that" GANG.
Do you want to become the member of "that Gang"? (ask to Devotees)
(Devotees reply:No we don't want !!)
If you don't want to become a member of that Gang then don't criticise and insult the monks by saying "Fake Sangha, Politics Sangha, Sangha pretender with a robe"
Don't say the monks from this Monastery is this and that, the monks from that monastery is this and that.
If you say so, then you will become a person whose intelligence level is lower than the animal. You will become a person whose intelligence level is lower then the animal.(Abbot repeats 2 times)
To be continue
To be a Good Buddhist "Our Cause " Sermon (Part 1)
The Abbot preaches .....
- If you TALK with good intention, if you DO with good intention and if you PLAN with good intention you will get back good results.
- if you TALK with bad intention, if you DO with bad intention and if you plan with bad intention you will only get back bad results.
- And after life you will ended in a bad place.
- This is the simplest way of explaining about the "Patthan"(Buddhist Philosophy-The Law of Causal Relation )in a layman term.
The Last thing, I want to tell all of you is .. since now these days there are so many "our causes" everywhere, we the monks, also have to tell about "Our Causes Sermon" to all of you. (Probably the abbot sarcastically mentioned this because the Junta force all kinds of media to print or to show their "our(Junta) three causes" on every news magazine, newspaper, before TV shows, even on the first page of the novel and cartoons everyday and also put on the big Signboard everywhere especially in front of US Embassy ..baydah)
The Abbot lead the Devotee: "To become a Good Buddhist"
The Devotee reply "Our Cause..Our Cause"
The Abbot: "To become a Good Buddhist"
The Devotees: "Our Cause..Our Cause" (devotees replied louder)
The Abbot: "Yes..this is Important..this is important." (said in smile)
(The Devotees chuckled with satisfaction because they understand what the Abbot means and which/what/who he is targeting.)
(to be continued)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Shooting broke out between the Junta Army and the DKBA militia
(Source: ThaMut Chan - KaoWao 19 December 2007)
(News need to Verify)
According to the news, came for the border Area, 5 soldiers from DKBA militia(Pro-Junta splinter group from KNU) were killed, shot by the Junta army group. This DKBA group arrived to KNU 6 Army Corps area for Joint offensive with Junta Army against KNU.
The shooting broke out when there was arguments between the Junta Army and DKBA.
The soldiers from DKBA 901 Infantry commanded by Yan Min, refused to follow order from the Junta Army to ambush KNU and that started the arguments and ended up Junta Army shot and killed 5 soldiers from DKBA. There was no casualties from the Junta side according to the officer from the Cease-Fire team who confirmed about the shooting broke out.
It was happened on 16 December 2007 near Tee-Ka-Htain village in the KNU 6 Army Corps command area. The DKBA soldiers were shot by the soldiers from Junta 44 Army Division.
At the time of this shooting, there were 70 soldiers from Junta Army at the scene and the DKBA 901 Infantry commander Yan Min was away at the Myaing-Gyi-Ngu Army headquarter to attend meeting.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Reddish Bloody Night Music Video, Song, Lyrics and Guiter Chords
ေသြး နီ ည
Reddish Bloody Night
Lyrics/composed by Thiri Nyunt
Copyright ©Thiri Nyunt
Lyrics translated by Bay Dah
Original Guiter Chords and Prounciation Text(english), Please click the photo on the right side.
(Courtesy of Ko Thri Nyunt )
To see the Music Video Double Click on the Play Arrow
below on the Video Box
Listen only to the Song without watching Video, Click here

ေတး စာ သား (Lyrics)
အိမ္ ေရွ ့ေျခ သံ ၾကား ယင္ (Footsteps ...From the front of a house)
အိမ္ တံ ခါး လာ ေခါက္ မယ္ (The Knocks.... would be knocked ..on the door)
ဒီ ည ၊ ည ဆိုး ရယ္ (Tonight ... is the evil night )
မုန္ တိုင္း ထန္ လြန္း တယ္ (Like a heavy .. stormy night.)
ဒီ ည ၊ ေသြး နီ ည (Tonight .... Reddish Bloody Night)
ကူ မဲ့ သူ မ ရွိ ေသာ ည ရဲ ့ အ လယ္ (When noone help, in the middle... of this night)
ညီ ေလး ... မင္း ဘယ္ မွာ လဲ (Oh Brother ..... Where are you right now...)
ဘယ္ မ်ား ေရွာင္ ပုန္း သြား သ လဲ ကြယ္ (Where are you hiding right ...now)
ညီ မ ေလး .. မင္း ဘယ္ မွာ လဲ (Oh Sister..... Where are you right now...)
ဒီ ည မွာ ေပ်ာက္ ဆံုး သြား သူ (You disappear .. on this night )
(end of Chorus)
လ မင္း ကြယ္ ေပ်ာက္ ရင္ (When the Moon disappear...)
အ ေမွာင္ ည သိပ္ သည္း မယ္ (The dark night becomes ... darker)
ဟို မိုး ေပၚ က ၾကယ္ (The stars .. high above the sky.......)
ေၾကြ လင့္ ကာ ေပ်ာက္ ကြယ္ (Fall down ... and vanished )
(Repeat Chorus:)
ohh.. oh..... oh oh oh Oh.... .oh..ohoh..oh.. ohh.. oh oh.oh..Oh... ohhh.. oh oh ...
(Repeat Chorus)
(Repeat Chorus Again)
Ohh oh..... oh oh oh Ohh.... .oh..ohoh..Oh.. Ohh.. oh oh.oh..Oh... ohhh.. oh.. ohOh..Ohh...
88 Generation Students Congress in US
88 Generations Student Congress In Chicago, USA in near Future.
[ News Source : Democratic Information Department (Did) ]
Ko Soe Moe and 88 Generation Students are organising a Congress for 88 Generation Students in Chicago, USA. The Date of the Congress is tentatively around 29 December 2007 to 30 December 2007.
Also there is going to be a 3rd Fort Wayne Congress around February 2008 at Fort Wayne City, Indiana, USA where most of the Burmese revolutionist settle down.
DID will update regarding any news/comments about this Congress on their DID Blog site
(Bay Dah will try to translate all the articles about this Congress which are going to post on the DID blog site)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Interview with Ko Kyaw Thet
Interview with Ko Kyaw Thet (Democratic Information Department)
Copyright© by Ko Si Thu
(Driving for Burma Campaign - http://drivingforburma.blogspot.com/).
Please go this link to listen the interview in Burmese :
http://drivingforburma.blogspot.com/2007/12/interview-with-ko-kyaw-thet-did.htmlKo Si Thu: Please Kindly introduce yourself.
Ko Kyaw Thet: Well, My name is Kyaw Thet and I am from 88 generation student movement.
Ko Sithu: Where were you working before?
Ko Kyaw Thet: During the 8888 Student upring, as a 88 generation student, I am working for the Whole Burma Student Union Headquarter.
After the cracked down of the student, I escape to Thailand and then to US since then I am settle down in US and working together with any organisation which have same vision, same objective and resolution for our country.
Ko Sithu: What do you think about this 7 Steps Road Map which was written by the Military Junta?
Ko Kyaw Thet: If you look at the The Junta policy of 7 Steps Road Map, the one step is writing of Constitution and now they are preparing to write the Constitution. The Constitutions are very important to any one country. It is the Life Line and essential requirement of the country.
But as of today, if you look at the Constitution which they(Junta) preparing to write is not reflect to the people desire nor reflect to the people life, then this Constitution will be considered as not applicable.
Beside that if that Constitution is going to be adopted by the National Congress then we have to check the delegations of the National Congress. Who are these delegations? Who they really represent? That's why for me, I will not accept the Constitution which is written by them(Military Junta).
Ko Si Thu: So who should be written the Constitution?
Ko Kyaw Thet: As for me, The constitution should be written by the Delegations who are truly elected by the people to represent the people wish and desire. Any person or any Organisation or any establishment cannot write the Constitution by themselves to satisfy their own desire and benefit. Since the constitution have to reflect the people desire and people life, we will never accept any constitution which is written to look after the benefit of the certain group or certain organisation or certain Establishment. The Constitution MUST be written by the delegations who are truly elected by the people to reflect their desire, their wishes and their life.
Ko Sithu: Recently I heard that there are some movement of creating the Federal Government and writing of Federal Constitution outside of Burma. Do you think it is the right time to do that or it is necessary?
Ko Kyaw Thet: As my OWN personal point of view, the Federal Constitution written outside of Burma is to be considered as DRAFT. One day, when the Constitution which is real and truly reflect the people desire and wishes are written then this Federal Constitution will be submitted as a DRAFT Constitution to be study and considered.
Ko Si Thu: Thank you.
Ko Kyaw Thet: Thank you very much too
I translated the interview as best as possible to the original conversation with my best intention.... Bay Dah
Friday, December 14, 2007
Mrs. Bush's Remarks at a Video Teleconference on Burma
Roosevelt Room
9:33 A.M. EST
MRS. BUSH: Thanks, Ambassador. Thank you, Dr. Maung, for joining us this morning.
Let me tell you who's here with us. We have Jim Jeffrey*, the Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs is here by me. Next to him is Elliott Abrams, Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy; Dennis Wilder, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for East Asian Affairs. On this side of the table, Anita McBride, who is my Chief of Staff; Ambassador Chris Hill; and Kristen Silverberg at the table with us. (Full Story)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
International Human Rights Day Ceremony Held Under Junta's Microscope
Translation Courtesy by Naychiu (Link to her blog)
(Read Full Translated Article here)
Original post in Burmese: http://www.dvb.no/burmese/news.php?id=3103
Related Article Link: We Are Burmese And We Are Proud Of It
Letter from United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar(Burma) (Click on the photo to read)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Lin Let Kyal Sin's International Human Rights Day
Arts and Literature Exhibition of International Human Rights Day in Singapore © by Lin Let Kyal Sin

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Message from 88 Generations Students
International Human Rights Day Message to All the UN member Nations and The International Organization
88 Generation Students Organization of Free Burma Movement. Date: 10 December 2007
All the Government around the world and all the people of the whole world,
Since the United Nations General Assembly's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 10 December 1948, all the member nations have the full responsibility of respect and protect for the basic Human Rights.
The development of modern technology, news media and Globalisation of trading, ideas, cultural exchanges make the countries, governments and people to think and act practically and naturally beyond their geographical boundaries of their nations.
In this time of Globalisation around the world, the Military Junta from Burma(Myanmar) have been openly suppressed and practised gross violations of all the Basic Human Rights to its own people in their own country daily since 1962.
All the UN members countries shouldn't look at this situation as JUST an internal affairs and ignore our Burmese people plight, instead they should act together and get involve to ensure that the primacy of human rights and to confront human rights violations wherever they occur as a kind consideration and rightful act to the fellow human being.
The killing of Japanese Reporter, Heated Discussion about Burma Democracy and Human Rights issue at UN security council, Refugee issues, Drugs productions and smuggling, Human trafficking in Burma, Face loosing situation of ASEAN Leaders at recent ASEAN Summit were clearly showed and proved that Burma Military Junta's violation of Human Rights issues are no longer cannot consider ONLY as Burma Internal Issue anymore.
Therefore, all the International Communities should not ignore the gross violations of Human Rights in Burma.
We would like to appeal and request all the Nations, please don't waste time or reluctant to help and protect the fellow human being dignity and their Basic Human Rights, JUST for the sake of giving priority only to the profit of your country business. Signed
88 Generation Students
email: 88gstudent@gmail.com
( Act Now !! Time is running out !! Are you waiting for the another Killing Field is going to happen again and again?? .... Bay Dah)
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Interview with Former ABSDF Joint-General Secartary
Interview with Ko Thiri Nyunt © by Ko Si Thu
(Driving for Burma Campaign - http://drivingforburma.blogspot.com/).
Ko Thiri, What is your view about the current Political Situation In Burma?
Ko Thiri Nyunt(Answer):
Burmese people are the most patient and most forgiveness people on Earth, if the government did a certain level of good thing for the country, Burmese people will not bother about the politics. Now what happen was because of too much of unfairness and too much of suppression, they (Burmese people) with their own will, they stand up against the Junta by themselves. These uprising were happened by itself, it was not because of any others influence.
As long as there are no freedom, no democracy, no justice in Burma, these kind of uprising against Military Junta will continue to happen for sure and Burmese people will stand up by themselves with their own will. As long as there are Suppression and Unfairness, the uprising will happen again and again by itself.(No need to wait for any encouragement from others)
But my OWN personal view and my Own believe, In 1988 we were suppressed and Junta drove(forced) us on this road of Armed Struggle. I myself participated in Armed Struggle against Junta for 5 yrs along the Border and Our Comrades are still continue Armed Struggle there.
A weapon without ammunition is not even as useful as the stick. Armed Struggling without support will difficult to succeed. Armed Struggling need weapons, ammunition, medicines, supply etc. . Last time those Leftist Revolutions were successful because it got full support by Russia and China from behind.
Since we don't have this kind of support from anywhere at this moment, we are not able to move forward yet in this moment. But I don't mean we will never win because of we can't able to move forward at this moment.
I believe, one day if we get this kind of support, we will win. I am one of the person who really hate war, there are only bad and evil things on the battlefield.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
International Human Rights Day Exhibition
We warmly invite all of you who love Burma to come and visit, International Human Rights Day Exhibition in Singapore.
Exhibition Date: 9 December 2007(Sunday)
Exhibition Time: 11:00am to 7:00pm
(N.B. Due to Unforeseen reason..Exhibition will only open for ONE DAY(Sunday only), instead of (3days). We apologize for the changes)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
87 Burmese National Day Annirversary
Today is Burma National Day (The 10th day of the waning moon of Tazaungdine ). Burma never use Univeral calenday for National Day Date. The Date of the National Day is always according to the Burmese Calender.(Like the way, Chinese use the Luner calender for their new year)
87th Anniversary National Day Statement 04/2007
By Generation Wave Youth Movement Organization.

Related Article: Please read "The Peacock and The Dragon" by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, written for the Mainichi Daily News in 1995 December 25.(Full Article ..read below)
This year the 75th anniversary of National Day fell on Nov. 16. A committee headed by elder politicians and prominent men of letters was formed to plan the commemoration ceremony. It was decided that the celebrations should be on a modest scale in keeping with our financial resources and the economic situation of the country. The program was very simple; some speeches, the presentation of prizes to those who had taken part in the essay competitions organized by the National League for Democracy, and the playing of songs dating back to the days of the independence struggle. There was also a small exhibition of photographs, old books and magazines.
An unseasonable rain had been falling for several days before the 16th but on the morning of National Day itself the weather turned out to be fine and dry. Many of the guests came clad in pinni, a hand-woven cotton cloth that ranges in color from a flaxen beige through varying shades of apricot and orange to burnt umber. During the independence struggle pinni had acquired the same significance in Burma as khaddi in India, a symbol of patriotism and a practical sign of support for native goods. Since 1988 it has also become the symbol of the movement for democracy. A pinni jacket worn with a white collarless shirt and a Kachin sarong (a tartan pattern in purple, black and green) is the unofficial uniform for democracy men. The dress for democracy women is a pinni aingyi (Burmese style blouse) with a traditional hand-woven sarong. During my campaign trip to the state of Kachin in 1989 I once drove through an area considered unsafe because it was within a zone where insurgents were known to be active. For mile upon mile men clad in pinni jackets on which gleamed the brave red badge of the National League for Democracy stood on guard duty along the route, entirely unarmed. It was a proud and joyous sight.
The sight on the 75th anniversary of National Day too was a proud and joyous one. The guests were not all clad in pinni but there was about them a brightness that was pleasing to both the eye and the heart. The younger people were full of quiet enthusiasm and the older ones seemed rejuvenated. A well-known student politician of the 1930s who had become notorious in his mature years for the shapeless shirt, shabby denim trousers, scuffed shoes (gum boots during the monsoons) and battered hat in which he would tramp around town was suddenly transformed into a dapper gentleman in full Burmese national costume. All who knew him were stunned by the sudden picture of elegance he represented and our photographer hastened to record such an extraordinary vision.
The large bamboo and thatch pavilion that had been put up to receive the thousand guests was decorated with white banners on which were printed the green figure of a dancing peacock. As a backdrop to the stage too there was a large dancing peacock, delicately executed on a white disc. This is the symbol of the students who had first awoken the political consciousness of the people of Burma. This is a symbol of a national movement that had culminated triumphantly with the independence of the country.
The orchestra had arrived a little late as there had been an attempt to try to persuade the musicians not to perform at our celebration. But there spirits had not been dampened. They stayed on after the end of the official ceremony to play and sing nationalist songs from the old days. The most popular of these was Nagani. Red Dragon Nagani was the name of a book club founded by a group of young politicians in 1937 with the intentions of making works on politics, economics, history and literature accessible to the people of Burma. The name of the club became closely identified with patriotism and a song was written about the prosperity that would come to the country through the power of the Red Dragon. Nagani was sung by a young man with a strong, beautiful voice and we all joined in the chorus while some of the guests went up on the stage and performed Burmese dances. But beneath the light-hearted merriment ran a current of serious intent. Our national movement remains unfinished. We have still to achieve the prosperity promised by the dragon. The time is not yet for the triumphant dance of the peacock.
Ko Si Thu's Driving for Burma Campaign
Ko Si Thu Statement about the Trip:
"My plan is flexible. If you live close to my route and want to organize a rally or something, please let me know in advance. I will try to accomodate."

He designed his car specially for Free Burma campaign so that everyone will aware of Free Burma campaign without saying a single word.

He started his camapign on 1 December 2007. If you want to follow Ko Sithu campaign daily you can visit his blog site: http://drivingforburma.blogspot.com/
If you want to support him and want to send well wishes to him here is his email address:

Here are Ko Si Thu own words about how he got the inspiration.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
What the People Want .. is... the Real One
©Original Burmese poem Author Chan Mya Way
"What the People Want ...is .. the Real One"
Fake Medicine, Fake Doctor, Fake Stamp, everything is Faked, Fake Juice Drink...even fake Chinese Salt(Aginomoto -MSG monosodium glutamate) .. sometimes Fake Gold, Fake Money .. Fake Love
"What ever Fake" which are created by the Crooks and the Conmen are never good for your own sake.
If you close your eyes and blindly believe and trust these "Fakes"..your life and your future are at dangerous Stake.
Now look at all the fakes which are... Up to Date ...
Fake Congress, Fake Support Rally, Fake Meeting, Fake Reconciliations ..Fake Democracy, Fake Release, fake this, fake that ...... Oh so many... Fakes..
The World Greatest Conman Satan Junta Than Shwe and his followers thugs and cronies .... create all these fakes in daily Alarming Rate.
Do the slogan .. "look for the good things and prepare for the worst thing" .. as it states
For our country Peace and Freedom sake .. Oh People of Burma.. Lets participate..
Oh Peace loving People of Burma .. Open your eyes, your ears and your intelligence.. for not to make a single mistake
For the Final Freedom Revolution Stakes .. do your best for what is necessary for the Country Fate
"Do freedom movement while you are preparing and Prepare while you are doing the freedom movement" .. it will make our People Great
Only then you will become Ready and Prepared People Revolutionist mate ... and will achieve what the people really want which are not fakes...
What the People want is..Real Reconciliations, Real Meeting, Real Freedom and Real Democracy and Real Human Rights.. THE REAL ONE...
(I translate and interpret this poem with my best intention ...Bay Dah)