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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

South Afarica's Leader Don't be double Standard.

Look at the situation in Zimbabwe. Does it make you feel familiar of the situation.

Of course, you are not wrong. It is the same situation, same happening as in Burma.

- Not given recognition on Victory of Opposition Party in the Election
- No transfer of Power after the election
- Accusation of involvement of "Neo Colonial" western countries
- Just for the sake of holding the country power, Give the excuses of the country is in "danger" of invasion by Western Countries and US
- Arresting, terrorising, torturing of supporters of Opposition Party
- Crackdown on Opposition Party
- Forced Relocation of the People
- Land Seizures
- Formed Government organize "Thugs"(Militia group) to terrorise its own people
- Organize fake Public Rally to lie the whole world that people support the Dictator
- Blocked and Banned International news media
- Worthless Currency and Uncontrollable Inflation

When last time whenever EU and US submitted the Humanitarian Intervention action for Burma in UN security Council, South Africa government together with China and Russia, always VOTE AGAINST of UN Humanitarian Intervention in Burma. (The reason of Voting against the Burma Policy is whatever happening in Burma is not effecting to the South Africa and besides that some of South Africa's "friendly" Africa Nations leaders are as corrupted as Burma Junta and South Africa's leader didn't want to upset the corrupted follows Africa Nations leaders. The South Africa Government always mentioned it as "Internal Affairs")

Now Zimbabwe is facing the same Problem as Burma. Instability in Zimbabwe, start effecting South Africa domestic issues and South Africa start lose face among the International Communities and among the other African Nations.

So what the South Africa's Leader Mr. Jacob Zuma saying now.. just look at the news from Africa - Reuters below:

S. Africa's Zuma says Zimbabwe out of control
Tue 24 Jun 2008, 7:33 GMT

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African ruling party leader Jacob Zuma said on Tuesday the situation in Zimbabwe was out of control and called for urgent intervention by the United Nations and the regional SADC grouping.

"The situation in Zimbabwe has gone out of hand, out of control... We cannot agree with what (the ruling) ZANU-PF is doing at this point in time," Zuma said at an investment conference.(link)

The Government of South Africa and its leader Mr. Jacob Zuma, SHAME ON YOU!!!

Now you know what is happening to Burma and Burmese People. When these kind of brutal suppression were and continue happening in SOUTHEAST ASIA COUNTRY, you don't care and voted against the UN resolution but now when it happen in the one of the Africa Nations, you are begging for URGENT UN Intervention!!!!!


Here is the Photos of Evil Soul Twin Brothers (Mugabe (Left) and Than Shwe